

Bij ChainPoint geloven wij dat samenwerking en informatie-uitwisseling in de keten cruciaal zijn voor de efficiënte productie van kwalitatieve, veilige en duurzame producten. ChainPoint is een uitstekend beveiligd, online softwareplatform voor het beheren en delen van informatie over producten, processen en leveranciers – van grondstof tot eindproduct. Met onze software en diensten helpen wij bedrijven bij het verbeteren van de kwaliteit en duurzaamheid, alsmede bij het reduceren van kosten en risico’s.

In de huidige globale economie zijn samenwerking en informatie-uitwisseling in de keten sleutelfactoren. Omdat de wereldwijde vraag naar schaarse grondstoffen steeds verder stijgt, willen producenten en merkeigenaren de relaties met hun toeleveranciers uitbouwen en zo een continue toevoer van producten die aan hun eisen voldoen zeker stellen. Bovendien willen zij tegemoet komen aan de toenemende vraag naar transparantie en consumenten informatie geven over de herkomst, duurzaamheid en veiligheid van producten. Maar met uitsluitend geïsoleerde IT-systemen in een keten kunnen zij hierin onmogelijk voorzien, vooral niet bij zeer omvangrijke en complexe ketens.


ChainPoint Traceability

As a producer or certifying body you care deeply concerned about your brand. It upholds your values and the trust your customers place in you. It’s the reason customers loyally come back to you time and time again. Ensuring your brand continually remains in a positive light means protecting its quality and image. And that means knowing exactly what’s going on throughout your supply chain. Simply knowing what happens one-up, one-down in your chain is no longer enough.

ChainPoint Traceability connects all the points in your chain together, keeping you in control of your brand. It provides you with detailed, up to the minute insights into your supply chain. It lets you know in an instant which companies, products and processes your whole supply chain comprises, how they relate to each other and, more importantly, how they are performing.

Our intelligent Tracking & Tracing software keeps brand owners and retailers completely up to date with all volumes passing through the supply chain, allowing products to be tracked back to source at any time and related batches and shipments to be easily identified. Advanced authorisation capabilities in ChainPoint prevent misuse of transparency and create trust with supply chain actors.


ChainPoint Supplier Assessment

ChainPoint opens up a whole world of real-time supply chain analysis, keeping you more than ever in control as you reduce risk and lower cost. – Manage ongoing monitoring and evaluation of your supply chain.

Whilst periodic auditing helps ensure that product quality and sustainability standards are met, it may fall short if your supply chain is subject to sudden, unforeseen product related changes which could quickly affect product quality or the image of your brand. More and more companies are therefore looking towards continually monitoring and evaluating their supply chain so they can react quickly when compliance and sustainability performance isn’t being met. However, with a typical supply chain comprising many steps where valuable, up-to-the-minute data could be monitored, it’s a task that depends heavily on a Chain Collaboration solution such as ChainPoint.

Many established producers, retailers and certifying bodies rely on ChainPoint to continually gather sourcing, processing and compliance data across the chain so they can monitor a whole range process and product related factors such as vaccine usage, pesticide levels, child labour, deforestation, delivery quality, CO2 emissions – in fact the range of factors is almost endless.

ChainPoint provides a user friendly platform for on-the-ground monitors, lab technicians and inspectors to provide real-time details about their findings. It also connects directly with IT systems already in place along the supply chain, bringing data safely to a secure central repository where it can be analysed. If audits and certificates need to be integrated in the assessment process, ChainPoint’s Monitoring & Evaluation platform can easily be combined with Audit Management.


ChainPoint Auditing & Certification

When customers choose your product, they’re also choosing for guarantees. They need to be certain your product is safe, that it’s a high quality product, that it’s been responsibly and fairly produced, and that it doesn’t sacrifice the world for generations to come – they perhaps even favour products that are certified by reputable bodies.

To meet these guarantees, you’ll need to be absolutely certain standards are being met and regularly audited for compliance, not only at your own premises, but also those of your suppliers. And their suppliers, too. In fact, at critical points across your whole supply chain.

ChainPoint Auditing & Certification makes it easy to establish new standards, or use existing ones, and apply them at all necessary points along your supply chain, whilst making sure they’re being enforced. It provides auditors and certifiers with an intelligent, interactive platform for taking electronic audits directly along to premises and completing them, often with simple, one-touch controls. It offers a secure central repository for storing all completed audits, bringing them together so managers can instantly investigate their status, review supply chain compliance, rapidly isolate risks and take corrective action before deviations become major problems.

In addition ChainPoint Auditing & Certification interacts with multiple existing certificate databases, ensuring decision makers have all relevant certificate information at hand in a single click.


ChainPoint Supply Chain Analytics

Chain managers usually pursue multiple long term objectives, concerning, for example, the sustainable or qualitative development of their supply chain. To that end they regularly need to assess their key performance indicators based on aggregated supply chain data. ChainPoint Analytics lets you know exactly where you stand in achieving your KPIs by letting you visualise a rich set of information gathered from across your supply chain. Personalised dashboards present overviews which can be catered to the specific information requirements of various decision makers, whilst automated reports provide detailed results regarding your standard KPIs.

Sometimes, managers need to inspect aspects of their supply chain from multiple, unforeseen angles that are not defined by their core KPIs. ChainPoint’s Self Service Analytics lets managers analyse their supply chain data from almost limitless perspectives, without the need of specialist IT staff. It allows data from individual elements of the chain to be grouped, joined, sliced and diced, and presented with stunning visualisations that tell the story behind your chain in ways that everyone can follow. Discover emerging trends and patterns in your chain that you never knew existed and use this information to drive your decision making in new, valuable directions.


ChainPoint Storytelling

ChainPoint’s Traceability, Auditing, Assessment and Business Intelligence platforms help you get your supply chain in the best shape it can be. Waste is reduced, your environmental impact is lower, you know precisely where your supplies are coming from, and product quality is improved, too. It’s every reason to be proud, so why not tell that to the people who matter most to your brand… your consumers.

ChainPoint Storytelling uses smart phone scanning technology to connect consumers to real-time chain information stored in ChainPoint that you can present to strengthen the position and authenticity of your brand. Consumers can use it directly at retail outlets to form a more intimate, trusted relationship with your product by seeing its individual story.

Use ChainPoint Storytelling to show consumers the carbon footprint of an individual scanned product, for example, or the farmers involved in providing its raw materials. With ChainPoint Storytelling, every product’s got a unique, compelling story to tell to win over consumers.



Kroonpark 10
6831 GV Arnhem
026 8453650

Opgericht in 2003
FTE: 21 tot 50


Type software

  • Analytics & Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)


  • Agri & Food
  • Productie

Gevestigd in

  • Duitsland
  • Frankrijk
  • Nederland