Ohpen is de eerste SaaS core banking engine ter wereld die volledig draait in de cloud. Hiermee stelt Ohpen klanten in staat om afscheid te nemen van legacy-systemen waardoor zij meer flexibel, veilig, schaalbaar en compliant zijn. Opgericht in 2009 door een team van ervaren bankiers en softwareontwikkelaars administreert het Ohpen-platform spaar- en beleggingsrekeningen voor klanten zoals Aegon, Nationale-Nederlanden, Volksbank en andere banken, beleggingsinstellingen en verzekeraars. Er werken meer dan 120 mensen bij het bedrijf, in Nederland en Spanje.
The Ohpen Platform
The Ohpen Platform provides full back-office administration for retail mutual funds and savings accounts. All modules can be configured to your business needs, ensuring that IT will no longer hold you back from running your business. The following modules provide an overview of our product capabilities:
Back Office: The Back Office module provides all business processes including: record keeping, client onboarding process, full customer due diligence (CDD), real-time calculations, and reporting. Additional included modules include: the Ohpen trading engine, fee calculation, the batch scheduler, and interest calculations.
Investment Accounts: This Investment Accounts module automates the administration of investment accounts by offering a variety of sub-modules including: mutual fund ordering, performance calculations, fund management, payments module, and anti-money laundering monitoring.
Savings Accounts: The Savings Accounts module facilitates the administration of both regular savings accounts and accounts with several fiscal settings such as fixed-rate savings accounts.
Portfolio Management: The Ohpen Platform enables you to use three available service models: execution-only, advice and discretionary asset management. You can configure the required questionnaires and risk profiles. Rebalancing can be activated according to your wishes and requirements, by using the monitoring module.
Business Intelligence: The Business Intelligence module allows users to create custom selections based on client behaviour, portfolio characteristics, product features, or any other desired data. You don’t need IT anymore to make data selections for campaigns because you can easily pick your own data selection.
Order Platform: The Order Platform module is organised to maximise efficiency based on aggregated orders using multiple cut-offs and connections with the relevant transfer agent, exchange, or other trading venue.
Content Management System: The Content Management System allows users to manage and translate texts, set notifications on desktop or mobile, and customise all automated workflow emails.
Customer Relationship Management: The Customer Relationship Management module improves efficiency to manage clients, leads, accounts, and contact history data. It also provides a visual dashboard to manage the workload of your teams and employees.
Risk & Audit: The extensive Risk and Audit module contains all necessary features such as Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Prevention of Terrorism Financing, Anti-Money Laundering, and 'suspect' payments. The Ohpen Platform has the most comprehensive audit trail in the market.
Reporting Module: The Reporting module includes numerous standardized reports for all your departmental needs, including: operations, risk, client services, tax, and general reporting. The Ohpen Platform is fully compliant with required fiscal reporting to tax and supervisory authorities.
Rokin 111
1012 KN Amsterdam
020 7221000
Opgericht in 2009
FTE: 101 tot 500
Type software
- Analytics & Business Intelligence (BI)
- Content Management (CMS)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
- Financiële dienstverlening
Gevestigd in
- Nederland
- Spanje