Pridis is een zelfstandige Nederlandse onderneming, gespecialiseerd in het ontwikkelen van telecommunicatie management software. Pridis rekent telecommunicatie van spraak en data tot haar aandachtsgebied als onmisbaar onderdeel van de ICT- omgeving. Al van oorsprong ligt bij Pridis de nadruk op bedrijfstelefonie met aandacht voor computer telephony integration. Zeker in deze tijd van unified communications biedt deze combinatie van telefonie en dataomgeving een waardevol instrument om telefonische communicatie eenvoudiger en transparanter maar ook kosteneffectiever te maken.
Pridis Operator Console
Whether your business is large or small, efficient communication is always a challenge.
Companies are being increasingly confronted with different types of mobile and virtual partnerships. So how personal and efficient is the contact with your customers? And how accessible are your employees?
In order to do business efficiently, you want be able to guarantee a fast response to customer queries. The modern Pridis Operator Console not only makes it easy for your employees to answer and forward telephone calls, it also helps them to handle contact with customers very professionally thanks to the additional customer information it provides. Pridis Operator Console users can view all the necessary availability and accessibility information at a glance without having to switch between screens. Receptionists can use chat, mail and paging options to pass on call information to individuals or groups in the organisation.
Improve your communication and your business performances and increase customer satisfaction.
The efficient and professional answer to your accessibility challenges.
Whether your business is large or small, efficient communication is always a challenge.
Companies are being increasingly confronted with different types of mobile and virtual partnerships. So how personal and efficient is the contact with your customers? And how accessible are your employees?
In order to do business efficiently, you must be able to guarantee a fast response to customer queries.
With Connecsy, the platform’s administration and operating functions can be implemented using a Windows computer. The Connecsy icon is displayed in the Windows taskbar. When there is incoming traffic, a pop-up screen is displayed and the other Office applications continue to run as normal.
All functions for the integrated administration of calls are displayed on one screen. On the screen, the queue of incoming calls is displayed and there is also a memo field in which the telephonist can display additional customer information.
The Connecsy can also be operated using only shortcuts, thus minimising the number of mouse movements. This enables telephone traffic to be handled quickly and also makes it suitable for visually impaired users.
Connecsy Enterprise
n order to do business efficiently, you want be able to guarantee a fast response to customer queries. The modern Connecsy Enterprise operator console not only makes it easy for your employees to answer and forward telephone calls, it also helps them to handle contact with customers very professionally thanks to the additional customer information it provides. Connecsy users can view all the necessary availability and accessibility information at a glance without having to switch between screens. Receptionists can use chat, mail and paging options to pass on call information to individuals or groups in the organisation.
Improve your communication and your business performances aCEnd increase customer satisfaction.
Users of the operator console can themselves decide whether and how many queues are displayed, how much out-of-office information about employees can be displayed or, for incoming calls, how much relevant customer information is shown on the screen. Colleagues may require more or less information on the screen or other colour settings for the components used, and they can define these themselves. In the user profiles, all the settings can be designed specifically for each individual user.
Connecsy Enterprise makes employees accessible, no matter how mobile they are. For an extra personal approach, the user can quickly search (Find-As-You-Type) for internal and external contacts using extra information such as memos, public and private information, local numbers and availability on different platforms. This gives the telephonist immediate access to information about the current out-of-office status of all employees. Handy shortcuts on the keyboard mean that mouse movements are no longer necessary for common functions and calls on hold can be given priority by answering them first.
On the same working screen used to handle incoming and outgoing calls, emails can be sent (Microsoft Exchange) and users can chat using Microsoft Lync. In the unlikely event that nobody is available to speak to the customer, with just one click the operator can send an email, chat or call-back message with the name, number and time for a call-back request. Together with users, Pridis has already integrated a number of templates for mail and chat messages for rapid responses.
Number recognition and links to memos based on earlier contact mean that your customers benefit from more personal contact. The customer never has to wait for long thanks to the option for different queues and for preferential treatment, where the telephonist decides which call will be handled next (VIP) and will be announced with or without an introduction.
The design of Connecsy Enterprise is based on the philosophy that the console makes an important contribution towards communication optimisation, regardless of the size of the business that is using it and the platform on which your software is installed. The Pridis operator console links up seamlessly with your business processes. For example, Pridis integrates your platform with your list of favourites and out-of-office information, and with Outlook as an integral component in the operator console. Pridis has already realised successful connections with numerous platforms, such as Unify, Avaya, Cisco,Mitel, Clearvox and Lync.
Hi-Way: Enterprise Dataflow Managementhiway foto folder
No organisation can exist without administratively supported systems such as ERP, HR and CRM systems. In these systems, many updates often have to be entered at different locations. The same problem with updates exists in the day-to-day administration of the telecom environment. Facilitating a new employee means creating an access badge and login codes for various systems and giving employees a mobile phone and laptop. Just a simple relocation of an employee to another department requires a large number of administrative activities. Many manual activities regularly result in errors and higher costs. The use of Hi-Way takes the work out of your hands and significantly reduces processing costs and error percentages.
Florin: Flexible Telecom Management Tool
Accessibility can never be taken for granted when communication is your strongest link with your customers. Experience has shown that around 20% of calls to businesses are not answered. Can you afford not be 100% accessible?
Every organisation with high levels of call traffic benefits from having a clear idea about its own accessibility and about the measurement of incoming, outgoing and internal traffic. That gives you a clear insight into the number of telephones, the way calls are handled and the way calls are distributed in the organisation.
Espa paging interfacing: organising the need
When it comes to the (automatic) forwarding of messages to mobile users, no system can match the speed and reliability of paging. Pagers function simply and effectively whatever the circumstances.
That is why organisations prefer to use pagers when the message is important. A pager reaches every corner of a company, even places where other communication devices do not work. And a pager needs very little infrastructure. Pagers have a long life span and require no complex operation. Everybody can learn to use them.
The Espa paging system works so reliably that you can be sure that the message will reach its destination. But we can go one step further. With the response pager, the user can confirm receipt of a message by just pressing a button. In that way, we can provide feedback that action is being taken in response to the message.

Berencamperweg 6b
3861 MC Nijkerk
033 2475700
Opgericht in 1994
FTE: 11 tot 20
Type software
- IT Management
- Niet-sectorspecifiek
Gevestigd in
- Nederland