
RES Software

RES Software is een zakelijke software oplossing die de manier waarop gebruikers IT-diensten consumeren verandert door middel van proactieve, veilige en geautomatiseerde levering en retournering van IT-middelen met een geweldige gebruikerservaring. Onze technologie voor IT-automatisering  helpt IT-professionals om de gevolgen van IT Consumerization, steeds meer vooruitstrevende zakelijke gebruikers, Bring Your Own Device-initiatieven en Cloudtechnologieën te beheersen door het fundament te leveren dat IT as a Service (ITaaS) mogelijk maakt.

Onze ITaaS technologie beheert en automatiseert de gehele levenscyclus van IT-diensten in een modern beheerplatform.  Zo stellen we IT in staat op handmatige, foutgevoelige en repetitieve IT-taken op een veilige en gemakkelijke manier te automatiseren.
RES Software integreert met de bestaande technologieën van de organisatie om geautomatiseerde provisioning van IT-middelen mogelijk te maken. Zo integreren onder andere met servicedesk-oplossingen, PC lifecycle management, enterprise mobility management, cloud-applicaties en identificatieoplossingen (zoals HR-systemen).
Met meer dan 250 werknemers wereldwijd bedient RES Software meer dan 2500 klanten met meer dan 3500 implementaties in 27 landen. RES Software innoveert voortdurend met het doel organisaties te helpen in hun pad naar IT-automatisering om IT as a Service mogelijk te maken. RES Software heeft momenteel 11 patenten voor unieke technologieën waarmee IT-afdelingen hun productiviteit dagelijks weten te vergroten.


RES ONE Suite 2015

RES ONE Suite takes a people-centric approach to business technology, empowering the workforce through self-service and automated delivery and return of the right apps and services to each person’s secure digital workspace. With RES Suite, technology is delivered to employees proactively and securely, building a foundation for IT as a Service (ITaaS) to support today’s agile workplace.
RES ONE offers:

- Automatic delivery and return of services based on each user’s real-time working context
- The ability to predict (and deliver) what services a user will likely need at a given time and place
- A consumer-like self-service experience for all other requests that aren’t predicted


RES ONE Service Store

Empower the workforce through self service, and the automated delivery and return of apps and services to each person’s secure digital workspace.

Organizations can improve operational efficiency by automating business processes and IT service delivery. The RES ONE Service Store is lightweight and easily integrates with an organization’s existing technology, maximizing earlier investments without requiring expensive "rip and replace" projects. RES can serve as a central identity warehouse, allowing IT teams to manage access by aggregating information from a variety of sources. RES ONE Service Store lays the foundation for IT to speak with the business on the right terms – as a strategic service provider.


RES ONE Workspace

RES ONE Workspace offers today’s digital workforce a better, more personalized technology experience, while giving IT the control to increase security and reduce costs.

In today’s complex IT environments, traditional tools often falls short in providing a smooth and seamless experience. The result is often unhappy employees and your IT staff overrun with service desk tickets.

Workspace management goes beyond profile management to deliver a consistent experience across desktop delivery platforms and a dynamic workspace with the right mix of apps and services to maximize the productivity of your workforce.With RES ONE Workspace, each workspace becomes personalized and context aware, optimized based on time, location, device and more, so mobile workers are equally enabled and secure.


RES ONE Automation

RES ONE Automation provides lightweight automation capabilities that remove the need to manually deliver services and apps, eliminating risk of error, creating a strong audit trail, and freeing up resources for projects with more strategic impact on the business.

Ease of use. Simple yet scalable architecture to automate IT. Extensive out-of-the-box knowledge and integration. Virtually anyone can automate their daily activities with increased control and better security and compliance, laying the foundation for IT as a Service. Provision and de-provision services directly for the workforce and for datacenters.



Het Zuiderkruis 33
5215 MV Den Bosch
073 6228800

Opgericht in 1999
FTE: 101 tot 500

Type software

  • IT Management


  • Energie & Milieu
  • Financiële dienstverlening
  • Information Technology
  • Niet-sectorspecifiek
  • Onderwijs
  • Overheid (centraal)
  • Overheid (decentraal)
  • Zorg

Gevestigd in

  • Denemarken
  • Duitsland
  • Frankrijk
  • Nederland
  • Noorwegen
  • Roemenië
  • Verenigd Koninkrijk
  • Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
  • Verenigde Staten